Pueblo County commissioner confronts allegations against her
A Pueblo County commissioner spoke publicly for the first time Wednesday about allegations against her. Commissioner Buffie McFadyen has faced harsh criticism over dashcam video in which a deputy said she was drunk.
In a press release from Commissioner McFadyen’s Office, it said she would address recent press inquiries. McFadyen gave an address at the beginning of the commissioners’ meeting but she did not open it up for press inquiries after.
McFadyen spent the first20 minutes of her address outlining the commissioners’ accomplishments since taking office last January.
At the end, she addressed what she calls “The night where nothing happened.”
McFadyen was questioned and released by a Pueblo County deputy in late January. The deputy said on the video that he believed she was drunk. He didn’t issue a citation because McFadyen wasn’t driving and she didn’t have the keys in the ignition.
“On ‘the night that nothing happened,’ nothing happened. TheSheriff’s Department, I thank them for doing their job. ThreeSheriff’s deputies did their job,” said McFadyen. “There was no preferential treatment, said by the Sheriff. No wrongdoing, said the district attorney.”
She missed three consecutive board meetings after the incident went public.
“Vacations happen,” said McFadyen.”Commissioners go on vacation, court employees on on vacations, elected officials go on vacation.”
She said she would not answer questions from the press.
“It’s in the best interest of not only myself but this county to wait for the district attorney of Colorado Springs to find that there was no wrong doing,” said McFadyen.
The address ended with a standing ovation. The commissioners moved on with their meeting agenda without opening it up for questions.
KRDO NewsChannel 13 tried to ask the commissioners questions during public comment. The question asked was if any decisions had been delayed during McFadyen’s consecutive absences.
The commissioners said “No.”
When citing a specific incident about a decision being delayed, KRDO NewsChannel 13 was cut off. The commissioners said the questions would need to be asked during an interview.
When KRDO NewsChannel 13 asked when there would be an opportunity for an interview because there had been no response to previous requests for interviews, the commissioners didn’t answer and said public comment was only for comments, not questions.
The commissioners moved onto the new thing on their agenda.
McFadyen spoke with KRDO NewsChannel 13’s Michelle San Miguel after the meeting. There will be a story on KRDO.com with the commissioner’s comments during that interview.