Rock Clearing Along Hwy. 24 Aims To Make Road Safer
Colorado Department of Transportation crews said that a rock-clearing project Thursday morning should make a stretch of Highway 24 east of Woodland Park safer.
Crews chipped away at loose rocks, some of them larger than bowling balls. Those rocks tend to roll down the hillside when it rains significantly.
The rocks rolled down the hillside and some of them ended up on the road.
Woodland Park police helped C-DOT crews shut down traffic to a section of Highway 24 in order to keep cars out of danger.
The project was expected to go on until the early afternoon.
C-DOT said loose rocks can cause dangerous accidents and damage cars, which is why they wanted to take preventative measures.
For now, crews have not planned any future rock-clearing projects. However, C-DOT said it will plan projects if problems arise along Highway 24.