Florence High School Gym Closed
The Florence-Penrose School District has suspended the use of the Florence High School gym after a failed safety inspection.
District Superintendent Rhonda Vendetti said the problem was found during an inspection over spring break.
?The south wall of the gym was not built to design,? said Vendetti.
Engineers doing the assessment discovered two columns of cinder blocks were offset. The blocks on either side of the joint do not line up, said Vendetti.
Inside the columns are embedded support beams and that are supposed to bear the weight of the ceiling.
?In each of those beams, there should be metal rebar, and the beams should be filled with mortar. But during the assessment, it wasn?t the case,? said Vendetti.
At this point, it?s unknown what?s inside the support beams. Vendetti said more assessments of the beams will be done over the next few weeks, and then the engineers will make a recommendation on how to fix the defects in the wall.
The cost of the fix will depend on what needs to be done.
?The district has some funds set aside, but at this point we don?t know how much it will be,? said Vendetti.
In the meantime, students are using alternatives to the gym, including the weight room and going outside.
There are no sporting events going on this time of year, the school?s only worry is graduation.
?If it?s nice outside, graduation will be at Palmer Field. If the weather is not good, we will do it in the gym at the middle school,? said Vendetti.
Vendetti said the district is taking action against the builders and contractors responsible for the walls.
A court date is set for June 24, 2013.