NEWSCHANNEL 13 Viewers Respond To Bruce
SOUTHERN COLORADO – Representative Doug Bruce has many people talking about his latest comments on the House floor. After hearing how he referred toMexican migrantworkers as “illiterate peasants,” here’s what the following NEWSCHANNEL 13 viewers had to say:
Typical Doug Bruce! Sorry, I think this is blown way, way out of proportion. Calling Mr. Bruce ‘racist’ is absurd. While those would not be my choice of words, he is certainly entitled to use them. Should he be the subject of an ethic investigation? Big waste of time! The legislature is just looking for a way to remove him and I believe it is because of TABOR. Is Doug Bruce a favorite of mine? No, but that is no reason to take away his First Amendment rights.–Mike G. of Colorado Springs
As a small businessman, I know to what Douglas Bruce speaks. It is bad enough trying to get young individuals to work, much less obtaining young individuals who know how to work. I hired legal aliens in the past and it was misery after misery. Unable to obtain bank accounts, unable to drive, and then the episodes in jail. To me, I understand the attempt by Ms. Looper as a means of assisting local agriculture. However, at a time when a bushel of what and corn goes for more than $8.00 a bushel, why do we need the illegal or guest workers? Simple, give the farmers a nice agricultural subsidy, then add cheap labor, and now skyrocketing market prices for food. Who is being fleeced here?– Dave in Colorado Springs
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