Orway Residents Escape Flames
ROCKY FORD- A large number of residents that have been evacuated from Ordway are at the Rocky Ford Exposition Center where they await word on the status of their homes.
NEWSCHANNEL 13 was at the evacuation site talking with some very emotional, and very concerned residents.
“I’m really scared. This has never happened to our house…I just hope my house is there,” said Theresa Espinoza. She evacuated her home shortly after receiving a reverse 911 call. “Somebody called and said, this is not a drill….get out…you need to get out.”
Middle School teacher, Debra Cruz frantically worked to evacuate students from the school and just escaped nearby flames.
“By the time we made sure the building was empty, I was driving through smoke and flames to get out of the parking lot…I’ve never seen anything like that,” said Cruz. “Parents are still trying to hook up with their kids,” she added.
Residents at the evacuation shelter were given plenty of food, donated by nearby restaurants. If needed, volunteers and the Red Cross will be providing sleeping bags and pillows for residents until they can return home.
The Mayor of Rocky Ford, Randy Hamilton told NEWSCHANNEL 13 that they are prepared to offer evacuated residents as much help and support as they need.