Tyler Dumas

Tyler Dumas is a Digital Content Producer at KRDO. He writes articles and produces content for the station's website and digital platforms.
Tyler was raised in a small town outside of Houston, Texas. He attended Texas State University, where he studied Digital Media and English Lit.
After a stint teaching English, he decided to get into the news business and took a position in Colorado Springs. He worked in the local news market for four years before taking a position at KRDO.
Tyler lives in Colorado Springs with his wife, Krista, who is an art teacher at a local elementary school, and his two dogs, Kiya and Scoot.
Tyler is a lifelong outdoorsman and spends every moment he can enjoying Colorado's outdoors and abundance of public land. He spends his summers in a canoe, fishing with his wife. Fall and winter are spent pursuing game both big and small with hopes of filling his freezer for the year ahead. There's nothing he would rather be doing than hunting squirrels with his dogs.