Pueblo reports biggest development spike in the city within the last decade

PUEBLO, Colo. (KRDO) -- The City of Pueblo is calling it the biggest spike in economic development in the last ten years.
According to Pueblo Mayor Nick Gradisar, there have been more than 1,600 sub-division applications submitted since September 2021. Those applications are for homes and businesses. The mayor says this exceeds the number of lots in subdivisions for the last decade.
While these new applications and potential developments mean economic growth for Pueblo, the Director of Public Works Andrew Hays says they need to hire five new staff members to keep up with the trend.
“We’re trying to align ourself to become more responsive to development applications that come in," said Hays.
City officals estimate it will cost more then $500,000 to hire the amount of workers they need and they're still figuring out where that money will come from.
Leaders are considering pulling the money from the general fund or the stormwater energy fund.
“We want to accommodate that growth opportunity when it comes we definitely don't want to miss that boat.”
Right now, officals estimate Pueblo has doubled the number of building permits of Pubelo West. Public Works say they hope to have a soild plan to keep up with the boom by the end of June.