Colorado opening 10 community vaccination sites to administer new omicron vaccines
COLORADO (KRDO) -- The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) is opening 10 large-scale COVID-19 community vaccination sites to administer the newly approved Pfizer and Moderna omicron vaccines.
The community vaccination sites also offer primary vaccine doses for anyone aged 6 months and older, as well as third doses for children aged 5 through 11 years.
Novavax is available at every site for anyone aged 12 years and up who has not already received a vaccine.
“Just like the virus has evolved, so has the vaccine. Getting this latest vaccine will give you targeted protection from the COVID-19 variants circulating in Colorado right now,” said Scott Bookman, COVID-19 Incident Commander. “In addition to local pharmacies and health care providers, Coloradans will now be able to visit convenient community vaccination sites all over the state to get the best protection for the fall and winter.”
Sites at Ball Arena and the Mesa County Community Services Building are open today, According to the CDPHE.
The CDPHE is planning that three more sites will open on September 9. These sites will be at the Citadel Mall, Front Range Community College, and the Pueblo Mall.
Sites at the La Plata County Fairgrounds, Summit County Public Health, Water World, Southwest Weld County Services Complex, and Dick's Sporting Goods Park will open over the next week, says the CDPHE.
For the sites already open and taking appointments, information is available here.
The CDPHE says that anyone aged 12 and older who has completed a COVID-19 primary vaccine series can get an omicron dose, including people who have received any number of booster doses. Individuals should get their omicron dose at least two months after their most recent dose — either their completed primary series or most recent booster dose.