CDOT prepares residents for winter driving season through video series
COLORADO (KRDO)- The Colorado Department of Transportation has launched a new 'Winter Driving in the Wild' video series to remind residents to drive safe this winter season.
This series is part of their Winter Wise campaign, the video series aims to raise awareness of the laws, preparations, and resources for efficient driving during snowstorms. The series also focuses on the dos and don'ts of Colorado winter driving through wildlife documentary-style mini-movies.
Andrew Hogle with the Colorado Department of Transportation says this new move comes as they emphasize the importance of safety this season.
"We kinda hammer at the same message year after year and we decided this year instead of being strictly factual, let's have some fun," said Hogle.
The videos can be found on their YouTube page and range on many topics from tire preparedness to traction law to all the resources available for the drivers to use and even snow plow etiquette.
"Hopefully it’ll help instill into people’s mind a little bit more than you know, and yet another safety message from a government agency," added Hogle.
According to CDOT, there are consistently over 500 fatalities on Colorado highways every year. For that reason they're urging their message to be heard.
"Those are almost always completely preventable and that's 500 lives that are lost, 500 more families that are just wrecked, this is a consistent number and we keep working on different ways to get through to people to be mindful about the roads and highways, to be alert," added Hogle.
Before the season is in full swing make sure your vehicle is tuned up to keep you safe in winter conditions.
Also, it is important to keep an emergency kit in your car in case you have to spend a lengthy amount of time inside
A gentle reminder that Colorado's Traction law is in effect through May 31 on Interstate 70 from Dotsero to Morrison, so if you are headed that way, make sure your vehicle has the correct tires.
Having suitable tires with proper tread depth is the first step motorists should take before choosing to drive on winter roads. Between October 2020 and April 2021, 262 passenger vehicle crashes were reported on the I-70 mountain corridor in addition to 91 non-crash emergency responses, according to CDOT. Many of these crashes, spinouts and slideoffs were due to poor quality tires.
Last winter, CDOT activated the Passenger Vehicle Traction Law 166 times on the I-70 mountain corridor alone. CDOT can implement the Passenger Vehicle Traction and Chain Laws on any state highway.
During a Passenger Vehicle Traction Law, all motorists are required to have one of the following:
- A 4WD or AWD vehicle and 3/16” tread depth
- Tires with a mud and snow designation (M+S icon) and 3/16” tread depth
- Winter tires (mountain-snowflake icon) and 3/16” tread depth
- Tires with an all-weather rating by the manufacturer and 3/16” tread depth
- Chains or an approved alternative traction device
In January 2020 CDOT conducted a Passenger Vehicle Traction Law survey in January 2020 that found that rental vehicles were the most compliant vehicle type at 95%, and out-of-state vehicles were the least compliant at 86%. The primary reason for noncompliance: insufficient tread.
“The Traction Law is activated for safety and efficiency purposes,” said Hogle. “If everyone on the road has adequate tires and tread, then we’ll see fewer crashes and reduce delay times. That’s the goal — we want every Colorado motorist to get home safely without causing closures or extended delays. These laws and guidelines help us ensure that.”
Whether you’re a native, a new resident or a tourist, driving in Colorado winter weather can be dangerous if you’re not prepared. As we enter the winter months, CDOT wants to ensure all Colorado roadway users stay safe.
For the most up-to-date winter driving resources, information and tips, visit