El Paso County variance request to reopen restaurants approved
EL PASO COUNTY, Colo. (KRDO) – El Paso County Public Health announced it was notified late Saturday night that its restaurant variance request was approved by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. That request was submitted Monday, May 18.
“Your application describes a robust public health system with continuing collaboration with community partners to ensure that testing capacity, epidemiological response, PPE resources, and healthcare infrastructure remain stable and sufficient to meet community needs,” Jill Ryan, executive director for CDPHE, said in a letter to the county.
The request was approved by CDPHE with the following additional requirements:
In each confined indoor space, in order to achieve six feet of social distancing, the limit is 50 percent of the posted occupancy code limit ensuring a minimum 28 square feet per person not to exceed more than 50 people at any given time.
“Our agency is grateful for our partnerships with the Chamber & EDC and the Pikes Peak Chapter of the Colorado Restaurant Association, whose expertise helped expedite the development and quality of this variance request,” El Paso County Public Health Director Susan Wheelan said in a statement.
“We are also thankful for the efforts of the El Paso County Board of Commissioners in advocating for this proposal, and the support of local hospitals in their diligent review of the request.”
This variance request is effective immediately. Restaurants looking for technical assistance or guidance can call (719) 578-3167, or visit El Paso County Public Health’s website at www.elpasocountyhealth.org.
New rules for restaurants include:
Seating capacity
- All seating shall be structured so as to ensure a minimum of six feet between occupied seats at different tables.
- Groups seated together shall be limited to 10 people and must be from the same household or consistent social group.
Seating processes
- Facilities are required to take reservations. Walk-in reservations are also accepted.
- Restaurants are encouraged to record and maintain the following information for each table seated for twenty-one (21) days:
· Name and phone number of one adult in the party
· Table assignment
· Seating and departure times
- If maintained, such information shall be provided to Public Health only upon request if Public Health needs to notify others of a new COVID-19 outbreak.
- Seating at bar areas is not permitted unless a minimum of six-foot distancing between staff and customers can be maintained.
Common-use items and areas
- Multiple-use condiment containers are prohibited. Only single-use items may be provided.
- Buffets may not be self-serve by customers; only plated or carry-out delivery meals provided to customers by staff are allowed. Buffets must be at least six feet from any dining tables.
- Doorknobs, counter tops, bathrooms, handles, railings, and other high-touch areas shall be cleaned and disinfected every 2 hours.
- Employees who routinely or consistently come within six feet of other employees or customers must wear a cloth face covering over their noses and mouths, unless doing so would inhibit the employee’s health.
- Facilities must make every effort to provide employees with cloth face coverings.
On Sunday El Paso County health clarified that food trucks are currently able to operate under PHO 20-28, as their structure is set up as carry-out/pick up. However, food trucks cannot set up tables to allow for dining.
Food trucks cannot partner with a brewery in order to classify the brewery as a restaurant.
If a brewery has a Retail Food License from El Paso County, they can now operate under the local El Paso County variance, regardless of the type of liquor license they have.
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment posted guidance regarding indoor and outdoor on-premise dining on their website so businesses can prepare to reopen. This guidance is not in effect yet, but the date will be announced soon.
There is also the possibility to expand restaurant capacity by proposing a plan to safely allow more than 50 customers. If you are a restaurant and would like to do so, you can email your plan to healthinfo@elpasoco.com.
The health department asks you to include how each seating area will be completely separated by including a floor plan or drawing of your proposed seating areas, including the spacing of each table.
If the county were to have more than 715 cases in a two-week period (two-week incidence of 100 per 100,000), the variance will be automatically rescinded.