Vegetation Removal Needed For New Interchange
Construction crews will begin removing invasive tree species this week as part of the preliminary work on the Interstate-25/Cimarron Interchange Reconstruction Project.
This operation will take place in the southwest quadrant of the interchange.
In restoring Fountain Creek to its natural state, the project will:
oCreate a healthier creek and ecosystem
oImprove fish habitat
oIncrease flood water conveyance
oPromote the creek as an amenity
oMeander the creek alignment
oRemove invasive species of trees/vegetation that have taken over the sides of the creek
oAdd native species trees/vegetation
In addition, the project will extend the Midland Trail west along Fountain Creek through 8 th Street for a connection to the future Midland Greenway Trail. The clearing and grubbing work will enable the contractor to replace the Cimarron Street Bridge over Upper Fountain Creek, west of I-25.